After reading and listening to Obama's
campaign for lo these many months (I haven't read Obama's new booklet
on his second term agenda, but when a CNN reporter says there's
nothing new in it, I tend to believer her), it appears to me that his
plan for a second term boils down to this:
Finish the job
More “flexibility” in foreign
Some thoughts:
What “job” are we talking
about? Effectively nationalizing our health care—one seventh of
our GDP with a projected result of more expensive (rather than less)
and arbitrarily rationed treatments (yes, Virginia, there will be
“death panels”)? Effectively handcuffing our fossil fuels
industry with extremely restrictive environmental and other
regulations in order to make “green” energy economically
competitive? (Remember, “Under my plan, electricity rates will
necessarily skyrocket”?) Drawing down our military to a lower
capability than existed before WWII (when US Army trainees drilled
with wooden mock rifles)? Imposing crippling taxes and regulations
on business with the result that the number of US citizens on food
stamps and welfare continues to increase while at the same time the
aggregate skill set of our workforce atrophies? Centralizing all
power in the federal government in blatant disregard of the
Constitutional structure that has worked well since 1789?
Flexibility toward Putin's Russia
translates, in my mind, to bending over and kissing your a**
goodbye. In other areas, does flexibility include allowing Iran to
develop nuclear weapons capability, by which I mean the ability to
manufacture nuclear bombs and deliver them to a target? Does
flexibility mean continuing to spit in the eyes of our allies while
kissing up to our adversaries? Does flexibility mean accepting the
creation of an Islamic Caliphate in which al-Qaeda or something like
it rules the Levant, Southwest Asia and the northern half of Africa?
Answers have not been forthcoming.
# posted by ExRat @ 10:39 AM