Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Panetta as SecDef?
Maybe the reference to onetime CIA official Ishmael Jones' remark contains a clue: (paraphrasing) because of his close personal connection to the President and lack of exposure to the
At the rate we're going, he might have to preside over the demise of the entire United States military establishment.
Labels: defense, military, politicians
Thursday, April 14, 2011
New Title for POTUS
That's the only charitable explanation for the steaming pile of male bovine excrement that Mr. Obama delivered.
One less charitable explanation is that Mr. Obama has as his goal the destruction of the United States of America as we know it. I made this point before, on 5 April. In a way, the President's performance on Wednesday suggests to me that ineptness (or "dumbassity" as my teenage daughter might say) is the most likely alternative, because it was so poorly done.
So, overcome by charitable spirit, henceforth I shall add "Dumbass-In-Chief" to my list of epithets for Mr. Obama.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Same Old Song
Same old song: It doesn't matter what the question is, the Dems' answer is always "more taxes," and the teachers unions' is "more money."
At some point, it gets as boring as it has always been wrong.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Rare Earth Metals From California Mine
This mine is a good thing for lots of reasons--defense, jobs, providing raw materials to the economy to name a few.
But ... based on past performance, Obama will probably have the EPA shut the operation down so that we'll continue to be dependent on China. Especially since this stuff has strategic military value.
Can't have the US in a position of military and economic strength, now, can we?
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Budget Battles
This leads me to the regrettable conclusion that Obama, Pelosi and Reid and their followers either have the goal of bringing this country down, or they are imbeciles. I don't think they're imbeciles. Historically, when democracies have self-destructed they are inevitably replaced by dictatorships, going all the way back to ancient Rome. This sequence of events typically occurs during a crisis, and it appears that the aforementioned Democrats have created and are bent on perpetuating a fiscal crisis of epic proportions. This cannot be allowed to continue because it constitutes an existential threat to the United States of America that is at least the equal of anything that the Axis powers of WWII or the Soviet Union could have mounted.
Wake up! In the words of Thomas Paine, "These are times that try mens souls ...." Americans of all political persuasions need to acquaint themselves with the facts--ALL the facts, not just the ones they want to hear, then think hard about what future they wish for the United States and vote accordingly.
Labels: Congress, Constitution, Debt, Deficit, Democrats, Economy, Federal budget, Financial crisis, History, Obama, Pelosi, politics, Reid, Republicans