Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Indiana Voter ID Opponents' Poster Child Registered in Two States
The old Chicago maxim, "Vote early, vote often" is only funny if voter fraud isn't a big problem. But recent close elections, for example the election for governor of Washington State in 2004, which was decided by a margin of just 129 votes, and in which ineligible felons and dead people voted, and others cited by John Fund in this opinion piece, suggest that voter fraud is a widespread problem. Moreover, with 12 million illegal immigrants and "motor voter" laws it will, in my opinion, become a growing problem -- one that will need stronger remedies than Avodart (tm).
I would hate to see US elections become so tainted that only Jimmy Carter would declare them fair. We need voter ID laws, and we need them to be enforced in a way that addresses the legitimate concerns of true voter advocates as to "collateral disenfranchisement".
Thanks to Instapundit for the pointer to the news story.